2025 New Year’s CELEBRATION - EN
On Thursday 23rd January ICF Belgium hosted a very special event!
We celebrated together the new TEAM of ICF Belgium. We welcomed the new Presidents Samira Blanjean & Miguel Candelas, together with Chantal Van Dyck our General Secretary and Sophie BENAIM our Treasurer
We thanked and acknowledged Pascale Perard for her commitment and contribution during her presidency
We thanked and acknowledged Pascale Perard for her commitment and contribution during her presidency
We welcomed our guest speaker Isabelle Wats who presented a very interactive and engaging conference on Ethics. Ethics is the core foundation of our profession as coach. Together with our community, we engaged in very rich debates around interesting topics such as integrity, congruency and deontology
We acknowledged the new accredited coaches in Belgium who got for their very first time their ACC - PCC - MCC in 2024, with a bottle of champagne in the name of ICF Belgium.
We thank our community for their presence and contribution. It is always a pleasure to meet all together to spend quality time by sharing thoughts on interesting topics. On top of getting 3CCeus on Ethics!
We thank our ambassadors Philippe R. Declercq, Yotis Kavopoulos, Florence Roisin-Van Loon, Carine Dognie Cedrik Depierre for their support in making ICF Belgium a vibrant community.
Thank you - Bedankt - Merci
We acknowledged the new accredited coaches in Belgium who got for their very first time their ACC - PCC - MCC in 2024, with a bottle of champagne in the name of ICF Belgium.
We thank our community for their presence and contribution. It is always a pleasure to meet all together to spend quality time by sharing thoughts on interesting topics. On top of getting 3CCeus on Ethics!
We thank our ambassadors Philippe R. Declercq, Yotis Kavopoulos, Florence Roisin-Van Loon, Carine Dognie Cedrik Depierre for their support in making ICF Belgium a vibrant community.
Thank you - Bedankt - Merci