Membership is active from April 1st till March 31 of a year.

If you are a very new ICF Belgium member, you can step in every month of 2024 and pay pro rata price till March 31st of 2025. Once you are a member, renewal fee will have the fixed price of €95.

This fits into the new strategy where we can make the link with ICF Global even more concrete, by using the content that ICF Global offers us and especially, by focusing on our core tasks, namely 

a) to ensure the recognition and visibility of ICF as a high quality reference in the Belgian market 

b) to offer ICF members some qualitative events and networking opportunities based on the idea 'less is more', as confirmed by our members' survey from the beginning of 2022.

c) to defend and promote coaching activities by integrating it into the business world - and its current and future challenges - as well as in the personal follow-up of people.    


The benefits of a 1-year membership with ICF Belgium:

  • As a member of ICF Belgium, you can subscribe to a professional RC insurance covering your coaching and training activities at an unbeatable rate: starting at 80 € per year.

  • Free access to live events 

  • Discount on exceptional events

  • Free promotion of relevant initiatives you organize yourself on our local website

  • Free inclusion of your name as a coach  in our directory, so you can be found by coachees

  • Active dialogue with your fellow coaches during networking moments


ICF Global:

In a few months your annual membership with ICF Global will also expire. You will receive timely notification of this so you can renew in time to enjoy the benefits. For example, you can build your own website for free to promote your coaching practice.

Since e-mails are sometimes lost, we would like to remind you the following:

  • Please renew your ICF membership according to the conditions communicated by ICF Global

  • If you joined ICF this year, please note that the timing to renew your ICF Global and your ICF Belgium memberships may differ.

  • If you would like to review the numerous benefits of being an ICF Global member, feel free to visit their website.


Any questions? Be sure to speak to a Board Member or Ambassador at an event or via email.

If you are an ICF Global member and not yet a member of ICF Belgium we cordially invite you to join the local community as well. Our adjusted strategy, including the price drop (€95 instead of €175 since 2023), is designed to let you enjoy a local network of ICF coaches.


To conclude:

ICF Belgium exists since 2002 thanks to many professional coaches who dedicated passion, energy and time to highlight the quality label of ICF.
 Our members organize local workshops and lectures by and for coaches all over the country. They do this as a helping hand, ambassador or even board member of our non-profit organization ICF Belgium.

Would you like to contribute as well?


Give us a call and we'll let your talent shine!

Welcome to our community that organizes itself in three languages: French, Dutch and English.


Kind regards,

Pascale Perard (President ICF Belgium)
Chantal Van Dyck (Secretary General)
Stefan Sauer (Treasurer)