For experienced coaches (MCCs and future MCCs), this program created by six internationally renowned master coaches will enable you to enter into the magic of high-level coaching, to discover the extra soul and meaning that enable clients to achieve the transformative ‘wow’ effect they so desire, and to explore the deeper dimension that characterizes the practice of master coaching.

A pioneer of coaching in Belgium, MCC since 2008, author of several best-sellers, ICFB President 2004-2006, member of the ICF Global Board 2008-2010 and former ICF Global Vice-President 2010, Sylviane Cannio has invited five MCCs from different cultures - each with an international reputation - to offer you a path for developing both your coaching practice and your personal development.

Behind the magic of the master coach

As the ICF's ‘anchors’ make clear, the master coach has developed special qualities that set him or her apart from the PCC. These include an extra sense of being, of meaning and of soul, a real willingness to take risks, a fluid dance that doesn't count the steps, a real acuity for unmasking incongruities, beliefs and the reasons behind an emotion. And, above all, the ability to create that magic, that transformative ‘wow’ moment so much appreciated by clients.

To understand where this magic comes from and how to make it blossom, Sylviane has invited five other MCCs whom she appreciates for their coaching and human qualities to share their art through virtual classes. These are in English to enable all colleagues to join the group.

40 CCEUs and 10 hours of mentoring

In addition to this foray into magic, the value of the program lies in the one-to-one coaching you receive directly from Sylviane, who is in tune with your personal goals. She will show you how to ‘be’ and not just ‘do’, how to develop your congruence and coaching acuity, and how to enter into the curious, vulnerable and authentic conversational mode that characterizes MCC coaching. She will offer you an audit of your current level of coaching, and you will be able to submit recordings for your MCC certification if this is one of your objectives.

A complete, structured journey in seven stages

  1. Five virtual classes with one of the MCCs, with a coaching demonstration on a participant, sharing of their coaching experience, analysis of the ICF competencies at MCC level (the ‘anchors’) and observed practice with constructive feedback aimed at rapid progress;
  2. Exploration of the ICF's ‘MCC anchors’, their foundation, and how to enter this additional dimension, by Fran Fisher, co-founder of the ICF in 1995, and, importantly, co-creator of the ICF competencies as well as the new MCC anchors;
  3. Fish-bowl practice observed by Sylviane, in small groups, face-to-face or virtual (zoom), in English or French (Sylviane also speaks Dutch): a powerful way of improving your practice and following a specific method that will give you the means to feel at ease in all circumstances;
  4. Your supervision time with Sylviane, an ESIA/EMCC accredited supervisor, to analyze the processes in place with your clients, respond to your ethical challenges and above all offer you a caring cocoon where you can share your questions - in face-to-face or virtual groups (EN+FR);
  5. Your individual tutoring sessions with Sylviane to help you achieve your personal goals: obtaining your MCC certification or simply reaching the next dimension as explained during the master classes. Sylviane will help you to prepare for your ICF exams (registrations) if this corresponds to your objectives and to increase your level of coaching by reaching another dimension, in “BE mode” (exploring how to ego-freely be).
  6. Mentoring on the do's and don'ts of passing the written exam - a special session to practice the style of the written exam questions and feel comfortable.
  7. Your practice in a peer group, in English or in French, face-to-face or virtual.

Starts on 14 September 2024

Two information sessions are organized per zoom:

- Wednesday 29 May from 7 to 8 pm

- Monday 26 August from 7 to 8 pm.

To register for the information session and receive the zoom link, please send an email to

Early bird prices until 30 June 2024.

For more information: visit or call +322 3584083.

ICF Member

Virtual (meeting)

Présenté par Sylviane Cannio, Andre Ribeiro, Rekha Hatkanagalekar, Craig Stanton, Fran Fisher, Aref Al Mubarak

Quand ? Du 14 sept. 2024 au 31 mars 2025
De 09:30 à 13:00

Prix : 4 900,00 €
Aller sur le site d'inscription