International Coaching Week 2021 (May 6th 2021) 

Let’s celebrate coaching !

As ICF coaches, we are leading the future and pursuing a powerful vision: ensuring that coaching is an integral part of a thriving society, and every ICF Member represents the highest quality of professional coaching.



















May 6th 2021 – ICF Belgium - Conference day




10.00 – 10.45 : Welcome & Opening Keynote
  • ICF Global Board Member (EN) : Welcome
  • Julia Lemmer (EN) : Transforming organisations inside out - through coaching

11.00 – 11.45 : Conferences
  • Philippe R. Declercq (FR) : New ICF Competencies & Coaching Ethics 
  • Karl Van Hoey & Philippe Persyn (NL) : Is Coaching a Strategic Process ?
11.45 – 12.30 : Conferences
  • Philippe R. Declercq  (NL) : New ICF Competencies & Coaching Ethics
  • Karl Van Hoey & Philippe Persyn (FR) : Is Coaching a Strategic Process ?


14.00 – 15.00 :  Parallel Masterclass  in FR & NL
  • Jérémie Vanopdenbosch (FR) : Your Network, the Key to your Success
  • Katrin Van Bladel (NL) : The Power of Presence
15.15 – 15.55 : Parallel Workshops in FR & NL & EN
  • Paul Van Geyt & Filip Fiers (NL) : Always Change a Winning Team 
  • Amal Hihi (FR) : The  S.O.L.A.I.R.E. Method
  • Sandra Vanhaeverbeek & Laurence Jamotte (EN) : How to Successfully Deploy a Coaching and Feedback Culture in an Organization ?

16.00 – 17.00 :
  • Timothy Gallwey (EN): Human Possibility in a World of Accelerating Change
17.00 – 17.05:
  • Gaëtane Lenain (FR/NL/EN): Closing

17.05 – 19.00:
  • Networking
ICF Belgium

Virtual (webinar)

Présenté par Tim Gallway, Julia Lemmer, Philippe Declercq, Karl Van Hoey, Philippe Persyn, Jérémie Vanopdenbosch, Paul Van Geyt, Filip Fiers, Amal Hihi, Sandra Vanhaeverbeek, Laurence Jamotte, Katrin Van Bladel, Catherine Tanneau

Quand ? Le 6 mai 2021
De 09:00 à 19:00

Non-members 89,00 €
Members 29,00 €
Compétences essentielles : 5.5
Business dev : 1.5
Dev. Personnel : 0
Autre : 0

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