Program / Programme / Programma

  • 09:00 - 09:15 : Introduction

by co presidents Samira Blanjean et Cédric Le Fèbvre (NL/FR)

09:15 - 15:45  Parallel sessions ! (FR + NL)



09:15 - 11:00 : Pierre Moorkens - "Le cerveau, cet inconnu ! Une aide précieuse pour l’accompagnement avec l’Approche Neurocognitive et comportementale" 

Quelle grille de lecture utiliser pour poser un diagnostic holistique d’une personne qu’on accompagne ? Comment faire la part des choses entre le contenu (les dires) et le contenant (l’état d’esprit) ? Comment mesurer les motivations intrinsèques et extrinsèques pour lui faire découvrir ses talents ? Comment permettre au coaché de développer de la sérénité et de l’intelligence adaptative dans un monde VUCA pour prendre les bonnes décisions dans la non maîtrise.

Pierre Moorkens, Créateur de nombreuses entreprises. Passionné des sciences humaines et des neurosciences il finance la recherche en comportement humain depuis 28 ans. Il crée en 2008 l’institut de NeuroCognitivisme qui forme les professionnels de l’humain dans le développement de compétences psychosociales  et accompagne les organisations dans leur transformation face à la complexité



09:15 - 11:00 : Hilde Helsen - "Dreamers who Do"

Unlock and realise your own and others' dreams. Interwoven with insights from Simon Sinek, George Kohlrieser, Maya Angelou and William Ury. Artist Koen Vanmechelen formulates his own steps. For each of us, there is a path that leads straight to our dreams. The art lies in knowing how to find it. Hilde Helsen translates her own rich experiences into a practical four-step model. She uses the authentic power of Lenny Kravitz’s music as a foundation and weaves her personal inspirations with the compelling convictions of contemporary thinkers. We will explore what the model, what this means in practice and how does this translate to your world.

‘Not only does Hilde see your potential before you do, she also gives you the confidence to put on your business hat while at the same time staying true to what really motivates you.’  — Philippe Cognet, Sales Director at Italpollina

Hilde Helsen, PCC, Hilde Helsen is Material Science Engineer. She was one of the first female engineers in a top position at an international company. In 2012, she founded TRAJECTUM, an organization supporting & facilitating transition processes of individuals and organizations. Hilde Helsen is Professional Certified Coach, Associatie voor Coaching, The Netherlands. She is member of ICF Belgium.

  • 11:00 - 11:15 : PAUZE


11:15 -13:00 : Patrick Zacharis - "Coacher avec l'Appreciative Inquiry"

Méthode positive de conduite de changement largement utilisée dans les pays anglo-saxons, l'Appreciative Inquiry (enquête appréciative) a pour but de créer de nouvelles habitudes mentales qui stimulent l'innovation et la créativité. De manière inédite, cette technique de coaching fait reposer le changement sur les expériences positives de l'organisation : il s'agit, non pas de trouver les causes du problème, mais d'enquêter sur les raisons du succès. Ce noyau de réussite servira d'appui à l'élaboration de nouveaux projets et favorisera le changement individuel et collectif.

Patrick Zacharis, PCC  se consacre depuis plus de 15 ans au développement durable des talents, du potentiel et de la motivation. Ses apprentissages par les outils et par la pratique, tant en formation (communication, management, leadership, business coaching) qu’en coaching lui font rechercher les leviers puissants et profonds permettant une mise en mouvement, en conscience et en confiance.



11:15 - 1300 : Filip Fiers & L. Lambrechts - "Introductie tot Systemisch Team Coaching"

In this experiential workshop participants will have the opportunity to experiment with conducting a systemic needs analysis conversation with a client who asked for team coaching. By simulating and observing this reality based conversation, we will explore some key principles in systemic team coaching and potential differences with other approaches

Filip Fiers, PCC , Professional Certified Coach (ICF) - Systemic Team Coach - Developing generations of resilient professionals and teams - Executive coaching with a managerial focus. Team coaching with a collective, systemic approach. Focus on supporting organizations, teams and individuals in achieving their strategic, tactical and operational goals. Main purpose is to make companies, departments and people successful by means of installing fundamental focus, collaboration and processes.

Leen Lambrechts, MCC , I am a early pioneer in the field of professional coaching and the coaching leadership style. Since 1991, I have been specialising in the topics of coaching, coaching & leadership, coaching culture, feedback culture, self-development, organisational development. Early on in my career I experienced the coaching style as a enormous boost in my personal growth . In the 1990's I felt this area of development was very much underestimated in it's power. It was my ambition to provide highly specialised training programs and to train and supervise professional coaches. And so I did, and so I still do with succes.

  • 13:00 - 14:00 : L U N C H


14:00 - 15:45 : G. Denoiseux - "Les démarches pour se lancer comme indépendant"

Explication des formalités d’inscription dans la BCE, accès à la profession, activation TVA. Méthode de calcul des cotisations sociales pour un starter. Quels sont les droits sociaux des indépendants?

Gregory Denoiseux, Conseillé Xerius pour le lancement de l’activité d’indépendant. Expert en matières de calcul de cotisations sociales et formalité de la Banque Carrefour des Entreprises depuis 11 ans.



14:00 - 15:45 :  Ed Gruwez - "Narrative Thinking to create more clarity in a complex world"

Do you struggle to explain complex things in a simple way? Or to get a team fully aligned on a strategy? Edouard has developed a method for narrative thinking, published by Financial Times. It applies design thinking to communication, collaboration and strategy. It is truly a game changer!

Edouard Gruwez, Edouard obtained a master degree in engineering and business administration. He was Director Marketing, Strategy & Business Development at GM, Volvo and Ogilvy. Since 2018, he has been working as consultant in strategy & communication in many global companies. Ed teaches at renowned business schools, like IE in Madrid, and he helps top executive teams to articulate their strategy. Contact : Web :


  • 15:50 - 17:15 : Plenary Session


15:50 - 17:15 : Karl Van Hoey & Jean-Claude Lecoyer - "Sustainable impact through Coaching"

An interactive session, filled with coaching exercises, will be held on :

  • What is sustainable impact ?
  • How can you improve your sustainable impact on yourself
  • your relations
  • your organization
  • What are strategies ?
  • How important is coaching as strategy ?

Karl Van Hoey, PCC - Karl is an expert in transformations. Of leaders and organizations. He is a trusted advisor, consultant, certified coach (PCC), author and speaker. In leadership development, strategy guidance and organizational transformation. He has a long and extensive experience in corporate HR leadership and coaching roles. As a manager he has worked for groups like AXA, British American Tobacco, Ernst & Young and Sappi Fine Paper Europe. In 2014, Karl decided to become independent. He works for a large variety of industries: banking, assurance, big 4, consultancy, FMCG, paper, manufacturing, retail, fashion, business schools, government and social profit. He is globally active and trilingual (ENG - FR - NL). Karl's main certifications:
 Professional Certified Coach (ICF), Lominger Leadership Architect 101 & Voices 360°, FIRO-B, Insights Discovery, MBTI Step 1&2, TKI, Vlerick Executive Masterclass HRM, KUL Master in Law

Jean-Claude Lecoyer, partner bij Accord Group en docent aan de EHSAL Management School en ICHEC

  • 17:15 - 18:00 : Networking

ICF Belgium

Gepresenteerd door Pierre Moorkens - Hilde Helsen - Patrick Zacharis - Filip Fiers - Leen Lambrechts - Grégory Denoiseux - Ed Gruwez - Karl Van Hoey - Jean-Claude Lecoyer

Wanneer? Op 7 mei 2019
Van 08:00 tot 18:00

Waar? TRANSFORMA, Brussels
Avenue Jules Bordet, 13 B1140 Brussels Tel: 023 18 19 20

Non-members € 89,00
Members € 29,00
Kerncompetenties : 3
Business dev : 2
Personal dev : 3
Andere : 0

Mijn CCEU ophalen